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How Girlology created a chatbot to help moms build their confidence

By Grace Miller · January 17, 2025

When you're raising a tween daughter, having conversations about puberty can be tricky. And all the "answers" from Dr. Google and r/girlmom just pile on to the overwhelm.

Thankfully, there's Girlology. An app created by doctors, it empowers moms and their daughters by answering life's most complicated questions about growing up. 

With more than 600 educational videos, Girlology needed a way to help moms quickly locate the content they needed. Enter Dave Bayless, an automation expert and Zapier superuser. Working with Jonathan Long, Chief of Strategy and Innovation at Girlology, Dave knew just the trick:

An all-on-Zapier chatbot. 

Challenge: Create a simple bot to answer tricky questions

Girlology's Dr. Momfidence chatbot built using Zapier chatbot product.

That chatbot—now called Dr. Momfidence—could do more than just guide moms to the right videos. It could supply Girlology with a database of user questions for shaping future content.

But there were two key challenges to overcome.

To start, the Girlology team needed to help folks understand how to best use the chatbot. 

"People don't always use chatbots correctly," Dave said. "They enter keywords and key phrases like they do in a search engine."

Plus, although gathering tons of user questions would give Girlology valuable insights, they were unsure how to collect and analyze them efficiently.

Solution: Build complex functionality with ease

The team tackled these challenges systematically.

First up was designing an intuitive landing page for Dr. Momfidence. The chatbot answers questions through ChatGPT and uses various types of Girlology content as its knowledge base: a SmartSuite database of "Mom Tips" video content, a CSV of blog data, key pages from the Girlology website, and a Zapier Table containing a partner's PDF patient handout information.

"We wanted to make it easy for users to get an idea of how to start," Dave explained. So he made sure the landing page clearly displayed suggested prompts—plucked right from the knowledge base itself.

To solve the second problem, gathering responses, the team focused on their user data collection.

The chatbot captures leads through Mailchimp, but with a twist: When asking for key information right away, Dr. Momfidence makes it clear that sharing is optional. When certain keywords trigger the chatbot to recommend a resource like an eBook, then Dr. Momfidence asks for a name and email, allowing for specific engagement signals to strengthen their lead capture.

When conversations end, a Zap automatically logs conversation data (like the date of the interaction, the user messages, and the conversation ID) in a table and summarizes what was covered. After the transcripts are logged in the table, Zapier Central analyzes the various conversations and extracts key insights about how people interact with Dr. Momfidence. And with that info, they can create new content tailored to those topics.

Dave's innovative finishing touch? Using Python's pandas library—a powerful data analysis tool—to link the chat data with the lead data.

"It's astounding how the chatbot can even know to utilize pandas in a merged data table to allow the chatbot to do an analysis between two data sources," Dave said. 

Results: More meaningful relationships

Dr. Momfidence isn't just a tool for fielding questions.

"One of our goals […] is to build meaningful relationships with prospects," said Jonathan. "With this chatbot, we're able to provide high-quality conversations, which in turn create immediate value for prospects and qualified leads for our brand."

What's even more impressive is how quickly this value was created. "I built a similar chatbot for a friend and client that took me probably 60 hours to do," said Dave. "With Zapier, setting up this chatbot for Dr. Confidence initially only took 30 minutes." 

By using Zapier, Girlology can continuously improve the chatbot, using newly acquired insights to deliver smarter, faster, and more timely follow-ups. "The Central bot allows us to listen carefully, synthesize, and ultimately act," said Dave. "We don't have to guess what people are interested in. We know what they are interested in."

Closing the feedback loop ultimately drives the creation of new content for the chatbot's knowledge source. As they continue adding content to the knowledge base, Dr. Momfidence becomes exponentially more capable and useful to girl moms.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'